
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Management and Union Relationships in an Organization

In to daylights problem environment, the race between trouble and amount of money crapper play a vital role in the success of an constitution. My research of the roles of alliances and caution provide enable me to present concrete information of how these two entities perform in an organization. The Role of attention in an governing body Management is the process of acidulates with people and resources to accomplish organisational goals (Bateman & Snell, 2007). In an organization, heed has the responsibility of performing four major functions.These functions make up of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. harmonise to (Carter McNamara, n. d. ), As planners, management identifies goals, objectives, methods, resources conducted to carry come to the fore methods, as hygienic as, responsibilities and dates for completion of tasks. As organizers, management organizes resources essential to achieve the goals in an optimum fashion. Examples argon organizing b leak departments, human resources, collide withice and file systems, re-organizing jobes, etc.As leading? management set direction for the organization, groups and individuals and influence people to follow that direction. Examples are establishing strategic direction (vision, values, mission and / or goals) and championing methods of organizational performance management to pursue that direction, and as controllers, management coordinates the organizations systems, processes and structures to devil effectively and efficiently reach goals and objectives.This includes ongoing collection of feedback, and monitoring and adjustment of systems, processes and structures accordingly. Examples include use of financial controls, policies and procedures, performance management processes, measures to avoid risks etc (Free Management Library, n. d. ). The Role of Unions in an Organization Unions are associations that represent the collective interests of their employee-members in negociat e and negotiating with organizations. Trade unions in the main seek to obtain higher wages, trim down working hours, and improved working conditions for employees.The also seek to improve workplace safety and obtain change magnitude benefits, such as health insurance, pensions, and disability insurance, for employees. Unions work to protect the utilization security of their members by negotiating the implementation of seniority rules and to eliminate at-will employment contracts which has subjected non-union employees to press release without cause. Although trade unions did non obtain legal recognition until the 1930s, laborers began organizing to bargain together with with employers long before obtaining such recognition (Encyclopedia. om, 2011). Unions also dish out the organization by supporting the productivity of the workers. According to (OrganizationLabor. com, 2008), They help in organizing instruct workshops so as to enhance their workers skills at the workplace. Also, they hold forums to sensitize workers on changes going on in the market as well as educate them on pertinent matters that would benefit them in general.Further support, which whitethorn differ, may be given at personal levels. A member strength get legal representation in case of litigation where an employer is involved. Unions when competitiveness arises between employees and employers conduct meetings and hold talks with relevant policy and stopping point makers. This ensures quality talks from both sides and decisions of resolve that benefit the employer as well as employee. The Management and Union Relationship In todays business environment, labor and management relations have been put on hold while organizational changes and transformations take place. There are round who believe that labor-management relations are a relic of an era when advance standards of living and stable markets seemed to be certain.According to the text (Creative union-management relations, 1 995), Discounting the importance of labor-management relations is an terrible misunderstanding of the power and possibility of labor and management to catalyze organizational and human change. A union-management relation is not about playing out a Noh dance of ritualized motions or technical legalismsit is an intensely human alliance that affects the lives of tutors and unionists alike. And as a very human connection, it arries with it the seeds of creativity and innovation (Cohen-Rosenthal & Alfandre, 1995). During the 1950s labor contracts renewed every three years. Each contract enclosure was seen as progress to a better carriage of life. Unions and management who in time believe in this idea are losing benefits accumulated over time. The predictable foundations of those benefits and collective bargaining seem to not work in this day and time. Collective bargaining has produced innovations and progress within organizations.According to (Cohen-Rosenthal Alfandre, 1995), Num erous advances, such as new forms of employee participation in the workplace were first introduced at the bargaining table New benefit packages, new types of working hours, new coronation funds, new learning arrangements, and family friendly policies, etc. When gaining a labor-management partnership, bingle must(prenominal) understand and honor the significant differences between the traditional union and management workplace cultures. Both sides will have their own assumptions, values, and way of doing business.If the differences are not properly managed, they could get in the way of the partnership. According to (M. Scott Mulinski, 1998), What looks easy for management to accomplish maybe difficult for the union. When a labor-management aggroup comes up with a solution to a problem, managements normal reaction is to at present implement it because it makes sense and affects the operations bottom line. However, the union may be funny of implementing the proposal before it h as been thoroughly discussed at the union meeting(s) and the social status supports the concept.Managements insistence to act immediately may cause the union to back off or implement without support from its membership. Failure to recognize the unions way of doing business places unnecessary strain on the relationship and can result in a breakdown of the trust level between the parties, and possibly relieve oneself political problems for the union leadership (which could spell an end to the entire partnership). A labor-management partnership is built upon the philosophical system of teamwork, cultural change, trust, free flow of information, removal of organizational barriers, and development of a high-performance workplace.There should be no move into a work area that does not accept the partnership philosophy or whose agenda is different from those set by the labor-management partnership. This partnership can run into problems if demands exceed resources. A level of trust m ust be gained within the partnership. If trust issues are send fored, effective, honest communication will develop alleviating fears of retaliation for speaking out. This also produces a higher level of enjoy and less conflict. An effective labor-management relationship will increase the availability of separate training and skill development programs. According to (M.Scott Milinski, 1998), in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. a labor-management committee was established to address staffing and overtime problems in the citys 911 Telecommunications Center. The committee trenchant that it needed to better understand how the citys liquidate system operated before it could address staffing issues. At that point the committee received training on the citys work out and classification plan. Now the committee was prepared to design a new classification, conduct a professional pay study, recommend the attach pay range for the new classification, and estimate cost savings through reduced overtime (Milinski, 1998).Although conflicts will remain, there must continue to be acknowledgements of changing roles and control issues. Management within unionized organizations have always been told to perform contractual rules and their rights to make decisions, however in a labor-management partnership management roles must change from controller to team member. The key to a happy labor-management partnership lies in the fact that, although everyones role changes, the supervisor and middle manager must adjust more than anyone else. The supervisors primary role is changed from controller to coach.Middle managers need to understand that their responsibility to the new partnership is to support the effort by helping remove organizational barriers to performance. Middle managers, like many others, must see the employees and supervisors as primary customers (Milinski, 1998). Organization and Union Strategies for a Conducive, works Relationship Organization Strategies/Actions 1. Behave i n ways that demonstrate their obeisance for the institution of organized labor and their respect for the legitimate role union leaders play within both the union and management organizations. 2. raise concern for the issues that are important to the union.For example, the source of power and income for unions is its membership. 3. Stop eyesight the contract as the unions contract. 4. Maintain communication about all business issues Union Strategies/Actions 1. Publicly acknowledge the importance of effective management. 2. Accept and help their members understand that companies employee people in order to get specific work done in order for the company to success and that employment is not an entitlement and that businesses are not social welfare organizations. 3. Convince the union membership of the need for change and the need for cooperation.The commitment of management and unions to implementing the above strategies will enable the development of an effective partnership. Conc lusion My review of the roles of management and unions has back up me in concluding that management and unions can form an effective partnership. In a unionized organization, managements role is to secure resources needed to ensure that the organization reaches its goal. This includes the hiring of a qualified labor force. The role of a union is to ensure that the organization provide its labor force with appropriate wages, benefits, safe work environment, accessible training, and skills development. If management and unions would be more deferent of their roles and positions in helping an organization to maintain success, a lasting relationship can be developed which will benefit all involved.ReferencesBateman, T. S. , Snell, S. A. (2007). Management Leading and collaborating in a competitive world. McGraw-Hill Cohen-Rosenthal, Edward, Alfandre, Catherine. (1995). Creative union-management relations. The Journal for calibre and Participation, 18(3), 16. hark backd walk 20, 20 11, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID 6682141). Encyclopedia. com. (2011). Trade Unions.Retrieved on March 14, 2011 from http//www. encyclopedia. com/topic/Trade_Unions. aspx M Scott Milinski. (1998). Obstacles to sustaining a labor-management partnership A management perspective. Public Personnel Management, 27(1), 11-21. Retrieved March 20, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID 28486826). McNamara, C. (n. d. ). Free Management Library All About Management. Retrieve on March 14, 2011 from http//www. managementhelp. org/mgmnt/skills. htmanchor165831. OrganizationLabor. com. (2008). Trade Unions. Retrieved on March 15, 2011 from http//www. organizationlabor. com/

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