
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Doctor Zhivago

http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/562734/Stalinism http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Doctor_Zhivago Stalinism in Russia The novel Doctor Zhivago, although it contains passages written in the 1910s and 1920s, was not completed until 1956. The novel was submitted to the literary journal Novy Mir. However, the editors declined Pasternak's novel because of its embedded rejection of socialist realism. The author, much like Zhivago in the story, showed more concern for the interests of individuals than for the welfare of the social order.Soviet censors interpreted some passages as anti-communist and more idealistic. They were also infuriated by Pasternak's understated disparagement of Stalinism and his references to the Gulag. In 1957, an Italian publisher, Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, organized for the novel to be smuggled out of the Soviet Union by Isaiah Berlin. Much to the Soviet Union’s dismay, Feltrinelli simultaneously published copies in both Russian and in Italian. Deman d for Doctor Zhivago was so great Feltrinelli was able to authorize translation rights into eighteen different languages long before the novel's publication.The Communist Party of Italy debarred Feltrinelli from their association in retribution for his role in the publication of a novel they felt was vital for communism. On the other hand, the novel topped international bestseller lists, the British MI6 and the American CIA commenced an operation to ensure Doctor Zhivago was correctly submitted to the Nobel Committee. It was known that a Nobel Prize for Boris Pasternak would seriously damage the international integrity of the Soviet Union.In result to this, British and American operatives seized and photographed a manuscript of the novel and privately printed a small number of books in the Russian language. These were submitted to the Nobel Committee's surprised judges just ahead of the deadline. The fictional story, Doctor Zhivago, is about a physician and poet named Doctor Yuri Zh ivago, who lives during the first half of the 20th century in Russia. In this story, Yuri Zhivago’s brother, Yevgraf, a Russian general, relays the story of his brother Yuri to a teen girl, Tonya Komarovskaya.Yevgraf believes Tonya is Yuri’s daughter, who was inadvertently abandoned when she was a small child. He first asks Tonya if she can recall anything about her mother. When she said she could not remember he tries to convince her by starting at the beginning of Yuri’s story. To understand Yuri’s life tale and how it relates to Stalinism, one must know the major themes of the novel; loneliness, companionship, individuality, community, corruption and revolution. Yuri’s story begins when he was a small child, his mother died and he had been taken in by the Gromekos, who were family friends.With the loss of his mother, Yuri, must have felt alone until he began to develop a relationship with the Gromeko’s daughter, Tonya. As Yuri and Tonya g rew up, it was anticipated they would marry. When they finally married, Yuri needed to leave to help the wounded soldiers in the Russian Civil War. There he met Laura, a woman who had volunteered for the war so she could find her husband, Pasha. She became a nurse, assisting Yuri with the injured. They began to build a relationship during their time together, though it started friendly, it soon became romantic.About the time they were going to be leaving for home they made a promise to each other, promising that they will not lie about their â€Å"friendship. † The film shows a vase of sunflowers as Laura and the soldiers leave Zhivago behind. These flowers are a symbol of the relationship Yuri had with Laura; the flowers were in full bloom when Laura was there but when she departed they began to wilt, like Yuri’s heart. When Yuri’s arrived at the Gromeko’s house, also his home, there were other people living in the large house.These people were told to l ive there by the Soviet government because the house was too big for just the Gromeko family. During his time back in his â€Å"own† home he is asked, by a Soviet official, to go in secret to the home of a dying man. Zhivago goes and takes a look at the man and determines the cause of his illness. He says the cause of the man’s illness is something they don’t have in Russia, starvation. When he says this to the official he says it in such a way that shows the communist are either blind for they don’t care. Zhivago is an idealist and therefore does not like the Communists and in return his behavior is noticed.One night when Yuri comes home he sees that Tonya had put out the fire in their home because they did not have enough fuel. To solve their fuel problems he goes outside and takes wood from a nearby fence. Watching from a distance is Yevgraf, who decides not to arrest his brother even though he had arrested better men for lesser crimes. Instead he foll ows his brother back to his home. He comes into the house and this is how Yuri meets his brother. Before Yevgraf leaves he tells Yuri, the government does not like his poetry because it shows individuality. Yevgraff warns them, telling them they should leave Moscow.Yuri and his family get on a train to leave Moscow and go to Varykino. The people on the train are all poor and quite but one of the men was very vocal in his disapproval of revolution. Before the train left a Communist soldier was telling the people on the train how they were on the train and that the work they would be asked to do was all voluntary. The vocal man shouted at him saying it was a lie. Later in the train ride, they come to a stop as Strelnikov’s train comes past theirs. Strelikov, or Pasha, was an idealist before the Civil War, but he soon became one of the communists.Yuri get off of his train while they are stopped and he runs through the wood and comes across the Strelnikov train. The Red Army sold iers take him to Pasha, where the two men finally meet. Yuri informs Pasha that Laura is still alive and how it was that he and Laura had met. He also said she was in Yuriatin. What neither of the two men knew was that Laura was being watched. The people that were watching, the White Army, Laura were hoping Strelnikov would come go home to his wife, they wanted to kill him. Pasha was killed when he was found just outside of Yuriatin.Victor Kamarovsky found Laura and Yuri in Yuri’s old home, he told them he had a train that would take them out of Russia where they would be safe. At first neither Yuri would not go because he did not want to leave Russia and Laura would not leave without Yuri. When Victor told Yuri what happened to Pasha Yuri decided he would go for Laura’s sake. Laura and her daughter took the same slay as Victor but there was no room for Yuri. He told Laura he would follow on there slay and he would meet up at the train. Before they leave Yuri gave Laur a the Balalaika. This was a sign that Yuri had no intentions of leaving Russia.On the train Laura admits to Victor she is caring Yuri’s baby. This child is later inadvertently abandoned by Victor. The Russian government was corrupted; on one hand they had the Bolsheviks who were communist and tried to â€Å"sugar coat† the political and economical faults, such as, starvation, poverty and homelessness. While on the other hand, there was the White Army, who were a democratic party wanting to reveal the corruption for what it was. This split in the government led to the Russian Civil War. In the end the Bolsheviks won the war and took hold of the government.When power was given to the Bolsheviks they ruled with a method created by Joseph Stalin. Stalinism is the technique used by Joseph Stalin, who was part of the Soviet Communist Party and was the state leader from 1929 until he died in 1953. Stalinism is accompanied with an establishment of terror and totalitarian rule. In a party dominated by intellectuals and rhetoricians, Stalin stood for an ideal approach to revolution, barren of ideological sentiment. Once power was given to the Bolshevik, the party leadership happily left Stalin the tasks involving the boring details of party and state administration.Yuri’s story relays what life was like under Stalin’s communist rule. The solitude the people of Russia felt, the need for individuality and the corruption they saw in the government; these were the things the communists were trying to hide. The communist wanted the people to see companionship with their community and that they needed the revolution. Pasternak’s novel was an idealist’s point of view of the Russian government and was everything the Bolsheviks did not want the public to read. It showed how the Bolsheviks were trying to control the emotions and personalities of the people.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Human nature Essay

Personality is the particular combination of emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral response patterns of an individual. It is the sound total o the multi-dimensionality of an individual. It is the sounding of one’s upbringing as a person. Personality is the reflection of how we are cared by our family, friends, government, society, etc. There are two factors that affect personality. These are nature and nurture. Many of us would try to look deep into ourselves and try to answer these following questions. Which is the most significant, nature or nurture? Which of the two most change my personality as a whole? What am I really? Nature is the genetic or biological component of an individual. This means that a person’s nature comes from its predecessors and the attitudes comes from its parents. Genes play a greater role in determining key personality traits like social skills and learning ability than the way we are brought up by our parents. Genetics were most influential on people’s sense of self-control and also affected their social and learning abilities and their sense of purpose. Nurture is the social and environmental factors that affect the individual. This means that the environment affects how a person thinks and do. There are many people in this world wherein they where affected by the changes in society. Maybe it is because it is needed so that they can fit in or maybe they need it to be socially compatible with others. Behavior can be non-genetically transmitted from parents to offspring. Non-genetic transmission of behavior can play an important role in shaping personality. Both nature and nurture are important in constructing our personality. They are sine qua non with the personality. Both factors help and determine the outcome of an individual. Both genetic and environmental factors contribute to personality continuity and change, but genetic factors affect rank-order change only in younger decades of life, whereas environmental influences appear to represent a lifelong source of inter-individual differences in personality development. For some they might choose nature over nurture, or vise versa, but soon they would realize that both help them determine their real self. As time passes, our society also changes and this reminds us that we too have to change so that we can fit in. We have to change so that we won’t be left out from the others. Some people give so much importance with their social life that they forget their self. There is nothing permanent in this world. Our personality is also the same; it changes according to what we will need depending on the situation. And with the help of the two factors, nature and nurture, we will be able to change easily. We will be able to address our problems and answer it without difficulty. Although we have to be reminded that changing our personality doesn’t mean that we have to change our whole self. Yes, we have to change because it is needed but we also have to be reminded that we have to remain a little amount of ourselves. We change because society tells us to but we should still stay true to ourselves because if all of us change, then we will be identical with each other and that would mean a disobedience to the natural law. We have to be true to ourselves because we have to be different from others. We have to be distinct from the others. We have to be unique. Even though society tells us to change our personality or attitude, we are still given the authority and choice to do so. We are the bosses of ourselves and we can dictate ourselves what to do and what not to do. ‘In order to gain something, you have to lose something’ I disagree in this statement. Why? Because we are given a choice and that choice doesn’t mean that we have to let go, it only means that we have to accept new things. There may be clashes and disagreements with two factors but it is possible to combine them and maybe there will be better results. Again, both nature and nurture are important in constructing ourselves. Some of us already found themselves and some are still struggling to find their meaning but we have to be reminded that we are different. We are who we are and we shouldn’t force ourselves to change just to satisfy other people. We have to learn to accept ourselves first before others would learn to accept us. Being true to ourselves makes our personality shine the most.

Conflicting Perspectives Essay

As Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius once suggested â€Å"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth†; embodying the notion that conflicting perspectives are held by different people towards both events and individuals. I believe that this common idea is held true in William Shakespeare’s production ‘Julius Caesar’, discussing the conflict between Brutus, Cassius and Antony, Richard Glover’s Sydney Morning Herald article ‘Take a Moment to Mourn the Mainstream’, debating against the depreciation of the respect over radio stations between generations, and Frank Capra’s classic film ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington’, which expresses the triumph of American ideals through the conflicting morals of Senator Jefferson Smith and Joseph Paine. In each we see how the respective composers have used main protagonists as well as various literary and cinematic devices to express the the me of conflicting perspectives and influence the audience’s reception. During the initial scenes of his play, Shakespeare clearly outlines the distinct conflict of perspectives held by his main protagonists; Antony and Cassius regarding Caesar. Shakespeare’s representation of Antony incorporates that of a humble, loyal and devoted disciple of Caesar; embodied in his vow â€Å"When Caesar says, ‘Do this’, it is performed.† Antony’s obedient tone, linked with the concise manner in which he replies to Caesar, captures the utter willingness to serve â€Å"Caesar, (his) lord.† In contrast, Shakespeare exhibits Cassius’ bitterness and envy of Caesar as he influences Brutus’ inner confusion to the viewpoint he considers correct. Cassius provides an analogy further encouraging the traitorous desires; â€Å"he doth bestride the narrow world like a colossus, and we petty men walk under his huge legs.† Here Cassius employs a sarcastic tone to aggressively attack Caesar’s authority as a leader, â €Å"such a feeble temper should so get the start of the majestic world.† Following the assassination of Caesar, differing perspectives arise when these two protagonists present speeches to the â€Å"plebeians† of Rome in Act 3 Scene 2. Brutus’ natural, humble tone both calms and directs the crowd to believe Caesar’s death was for The good of Rome; â€Å"Had you rather Caesar were living, and die all slaves, than Caesar were dead, to live all freemen?† With the use of a rhetorical question and repetition in his words, such as â€Å"valiant†, â€Å"honour† and â€Å"Caesar the ambitious†, Brutus is able to influence and manipulate the plebeians to what he considers the correct viewpoint; â€Å"let Brutus be Caesar!† In sheer contrast, Antony uses sarcastic, derogatory terms against Brutus to allow the crowd to truly question Brutus’ ‘honour’ and ‘nobility.’ â€Å"Caesar was my friend, faithful and just to me, but Brutus says he was ambitious, and Brutus was an honourable man.† Antony’s repetition of â€Å"Brutus was an honourable man† forms into sarcasm, thus influencing the crowd to disregard Brutus’ morality and entrust that Cassius deems the truthful perspective of Caesar. Relatedly, Richard Glover’s article written November 2nd, 2013 ‘Take a Moment to Mourn the Mainstream’ demonstrates the differing perspectives of audiences appreciating radio broadcasting over time. As stated by Glover, who himself is the protagonist as he is a radio presenter, listeners would tolerate willingly any radio station aired at the time; â€Å"Adults would endure a program designed for 12-year-olds.† Now, as a result of the growing social media; â€Å"There is a need to instantly inform the broadcaster of their song decision.† Glover’s repetition of â€Å"outrage† and â€Å"annoyance†, provides us with a strong observation of his view on the matter and what he sees to be the correct opinion, whilst coherently outlining the immense change in perspective of a common audience’s viewpoint on radio stations over the years resulting from social media, which is comparable to Antony’s speech. The protagonist Brutus and his association with honour stands a key notion in Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’. After the assassination of Caesar, conflicting perspectives arise when Brutus suspects that Cassius has been dishonourable by taking bribes, â€Å"Cassius, you yourself/ are much condemned to have an itching palm.† In response Cassius retorts â€Å"I an itching palm?†, with an exclamatory tone, provoking a fight. Through the use of emotive language and sickness imagery, such as â€Å"corruption†, â€Å"bleed†, and â€Å"contaminate†, Brutus spells out his contempt towards such poor principles and his powerful closing lines â€Å"I had rather be a dog and bay the moon/ than  such a Roman† cement this stance on the matter, whilst stating that he considers that his view on honour is the truthful viewpoint. Comparably, the related text of Frank Capra’s 1939 film ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington’ effectively represents the conflicting values of corruption and honour. Capra’s protagonist; the amateur senator ‘Jefferson Smith’ rises to express his knowledge that the scheme of a Deficiency Bill for a dam is fraudulent and that various corrupt congressmen are attempting to use it for their own profit; â€Å"A man who controls a political machine, a Mr. James Taylor, was powerful enough to buy men and put them in this congress to legislate his graft!† Through the use of an honest, pleading tone and low angle shots, Capra successfully provides Smith with a dominant and commanding image, captivating and entertaining his audience whilst showing that his perspective was truly the correct one. Evidently, Senator Joseph Paine attempts to prevent Smith from exposing the truth and abolishing his reputation numerous times. Capra has manipulated the light to give his glasses a white gleam, providing the antagonist with a spiteful frontage. Paine finally embraces an accusative tone and boldly declares that Senator Smith has â€Å"told lie upon lie†¦ and now, he is trying to blackmail this Senate as he tried to blackmail me!† before he ultimately storms off in rage. In Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’, Frank Capra’s ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington’ and Richard Glover’s ‘Take a Moment to Mourn the Mainstream’, each composer has uniquely represented the theme of conflicting perspectives by drawing upon devices specific to their textual form. These texts also hold the topic statement true, as protagonists do believe their own viewpoint is correct.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Impacts of Colonialism on U.K Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Impacts of Colonialism on U.K - Essay Example During the beginning of the 20th century, England had its control over maximum areas of the world under its empirical power (College of New Jersey, â€Å"British Empire†). In the first three decades of the 19th century, the UK adopted the policy to rule Cape Colony. In 1795, the UK seized the Cape from the Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC). After a few years, British in 1803 returned the Cape to the Dutch government peacefully. In the year 1806, when the Napoleonic Wars began, the British captured the Cape in order to protect the sea route in order to protect their route to their Asian empire (U.S. Library of Congress, â€Å"British Colonialism†). During the late 18th century, the British government was in need for a base in the zone of Malaysia when they controlled India. Under the command of Francis Light in 1786, the British had colonized Penang and established Georgetown and they took over the Province of Wellesley in 1800. During the period of 1819, a trading post was founded at Singapore (Lambert, â€Å"A Brief History of Malaysia†). From the episode of the colonization of the Cape, the British government gained a lot. They focused upon the policy of the labor market. They utilized mass force of Cape for the purpose of the labor source for the British government. The colonial rule of the UK over the Cape in South Africa was strong and they colonized Cape due to certain reasons. The reasons were to secure the routes of their trade secrets, acquire huge labor and maintain the political power over most parts in the world. Primarily the labor supply was concentrated in this region (U.S. Library of Congress, â€Å"British Colonialism†). From the colonization of Malaysia, the British government had set up their trade bases in Singapore and around the coasts of Malaysia. They acquired Malaysia’s rubber industry and traded in the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Enterprise Resource Planning Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Enterprise Resource Planning - Coursework Example In the meantime the very best ERP vendors show and provide a map on how to transition their clients from their current business practice to the industry best practice and regulatory compliant processes. It should be noted that it would be in the best interest of most ERP vendors to extend the time of an implementation because it simply means a longer engagement which would assure a steady cash-flow for the ERP vendor. It should also be noted that most client companies consider their process one of the best if not the best process in the industry and that most employees or even managers and leaders of the organization’s comfort zone lies in their own legacy processes. The last two sentences are inversely proportional to the length of engagement of the ERP vendors depending on the group to which they belong (good, very good, better or the best). It is therefore noteworthy to consider that it would be in the best interest of the ERP vendor to extend their engagement with a partic ular client. There are several considerations in implementing ERP in a company, this would include acculturation and assimilation of ERP supported processes and the integration and use of the ERP in the everyday activities of the company. Thus, ERP is not simply implementing applications after application it also include change management from the corporate cultural level. The acculturation and immersion of the ERP into the culture of the company is considered the most potent critical success factor for any ERP implementation and leaving this responsibility to vendors may not be a good business decision.. An ERP implementation should not be considered as an IT project but rather a project involving the entire organization to ensure its success. All Business Process Owners and Subject Matter Experts in the organization should not only be tapped as a resource but rather they should be the lead architect in defining the scope or blue print of the entire organization’s processes and their inter-relation with each other. The ERP vendor for its part should be able to define and provide a detailed map on how to provide solutions to the gaps discovered between what is provided by the ERP solution and the blue printed business processes. During the realization stage of the ERP project or the stage where most of the development of the solutions to the gaps are resolved, extensive testing of actual data should be done by the subject matter experts and the users themselves. During data migration actual retrofitting of the data should not only be exact but their subsequent application to the system and the output that should be derived from them should be perfectly streamlined. Training should not be confined on how to use the system but the training should also cover how to resolve conflicts. The training should cover areas and subject that would enable the client to be self-sustaining and self-reliant. Go live and support should include stress testing and process exception handling to ensure that even during the most arduous conflict the entire competence team of the client would be able to resolve and provide solution to the conflict if not a temporary work around. Given the above, ERP clients or potential clients should not let ERP vendors define their requirements for them, while the ERP vendor can be consulted on what is the industry standard as implemented in the ERP solution their

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Newborn Thermoregulation at birth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Newborn Thermoregulation at birth - Essay Example The temperature of the baby is dependent not only on the thermoregulation of the baby, but also on the environment and the clinical condition of the baby. It is a very interesting fact that, an unattended baby loses heat very fast and the temperature can decrease by several degrees (British Columbia Reproductive Care Program Policy Manual, 2003). Nurses and midwives who attend to deliveries have a major role to play in helping newborn babies maintain temperature. They are the first people to come in contact with the little ones and they have a major responsibility to ensure that the baby is able to maintain appropriate temperature. They also need to make sure that the environment of the baby, including the towels, resuscitation equipment and the room are pre-warmed much before the baby is delivered. Attending to the needs of temperature in babies is very important because thermal disparities can lead to devastating metabolic consequences and can contribute to increased morbidity and mortality in the newborn. In this essay, thermal regulation in a newborn will be discussed. In this context, the role of a midwife in promoting the health of the newborn will also be reviewed. The capacity of the body to maintain equilibrium between production of heat and loss of heat for sustenance of temperature of the body within a normal range is known as thermoregulation. Neutral thermal environment is that environment in which the infant uses only minimal oxygen and expends minimal energy for maintenance of temperature. Thermoregulation of newborn is a much studied and important topic because; disruptions in thermal regulation can lead to hyperthermia and cold stress, both of which can lead to devastating metabolic consequences in the newborn. The normal core body temperature of the newborn is 36.5- 37.2 degree C. Severe hypothermia is when the temperature is

Monday, August 26, 2019

Inflations in UK PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Inflations in UK - PowerPoint Presentation Example (Davies, 2012). The Inflation is stated as a percentage. For example if the CPI is 2%, it means that we now have to spend 2% more on the same goods and services than we were doing earlier. Consider the price of a Cinema Ticket. Suppose it was  £10 last year and the CPI is 2%, this means we will now have to expend  £10.2 for the tickets this year. (2% increase in price) (Davies, 2012) CPI measures the changes in prices for Consumer goods and services only, whereas RPI includes mortgage costs taxes and interest payments. CPI accounts for consumer choice as well. It formulates that with a change in price, a consumer shall move to a cheaper alternative or go for a substitute product. For example, if the price of Tea increases too much for the liking of a consumer, he may opt to consume Coffee if it is available within his price range. The Government and Bank of England use CPI and RPI to fix interest rates, if inflation is expected to rise beyond a certain level, the Government may increase interest rates in order to curb inflation. The Office of National Statistics (ONS) collects several prices of goods and services. It weighs how much we spend on the relative products every month and then these prices are combined to produce a composite index which is the Rate of Inflation. The Inflation in UK in January 2014 was recorded at 1.9%, with the average Inflation between 1989 till January 2014 being 2.8%. It recorded a High of 8.5% in April 1991 and a low of 0.5% in May 2000. (Taborda, 2104) The following table represents the history of Inflation in UK over the past decade. As we can see from this table, the highest Rate of Inflation was recorded in Sept. 2011 and Sept. 2008 at 5.2%, and the lowest at 1.1% in Oct. 2009 and March April Oct. of 2004. As we can see from the 2 graphs, controlled inflation is good for the economy. The BOE has set the benchmark for controlled inflation at 2%. At

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Merging and Clashing Cultures, & Defending Human Rights Essay

Merging and Clashing Cultures, & Defending Human Rights - Essay Example For example â€Å"Have a Coke and Smile† and then the latest â€Å"Open Happiness† with which people all across the world can relate to, but the campaign â€Å"Coke is it† is restricted to shores of the United States only. Moreira very logically elucidates this saying that although Coke is a host in America, yet â€Å"Coke is a guest, not the host, in most countries† and this could campaign would be rejected by an international audience. Marketing Strategies Applied by Coca-Cola It is very true that the trademark of Coca-Cola identifies itself with a positive tone of advertising. This can be further explicated as a technique in world marketing. The name Coca-Cola is found to be comparative with happiness of all kinds. This why one can find the trade name to be correlated with festivities, major sporting events like the World Cup, stadiums, and posters that represent light spirited frivolities. It is believed that the company intentionally associates itself with all these values of life that can create an atmosphere of joviality. This is deliberately done to increase a positive consciousness among the common masses. Coca-Cola: Relating Itself with the Customers It has been observed that Coca-Cola works on the positive psychology of the masses. People can relate to the optimism that it projects as a brand. People who are pent up with their ordinary lives can feel a sudden freshness by procuring a Coke. A typical example of this is a working executive, confined to his or her cubicle or even a laborer working in a factory find it to be a refreshing drink. What this means is that all humans think alike, there is no basic difference between them as the emotion remains to be the same and this is exactly what Coca-Cola aims to accomplish. In simple words this creates a desire which Coke tries to charm by fascinating all and sundry irrespective of their social backgrounds. Coca-Cola: In American Culture The fact that the marketing tactics of Coca-Cola is based on ubiquity is quite interesting in itself. This can be further justified by this piece of information that it has merged with the country’s culture it has visited into. In short it has become a part of the major culture wherever it has marketed itself. It is like the very instance of ‘El Kiosko Budweiser’ show in Puerto Rico that Arlene Davila points out. She finds that people think â€Å"locally produced shows are reflections of the local culture.† Hence the Puerto Ricans have acknowledged â€Å"Budweiser beer as a local product† (Davila, 2004). Likewise Coca-Cola has been mingled with mainstream cultures like in Taiwan they have chosen one their best as a brand ambassador. The Wang Lee Hom who is admired by all in Taiwan, sings the jingle of Coca-Cola with a Taiwanese melody. That is Coke does not act like the oppressive colonizer. Much to the contrary it has mingled itself with the larger cultures of the world. This has one mo re string attached to it that of the company’s regard for music. It comprehends world music as part of their marketing strategy for sure. Coca-Cola in Indian Culture In India Coca-Cola has to cope with a number of things. The new â€Å"Indian consumer† had a different taste. This consumer did not want to be fooled by a foreign company. This nouveau generation of consumer preferred Indian products over

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Dissertation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Dissertation - Essay Example In terms of age, the most significant portion of respondents was in the 26-35 year age bracket, with 41.3% of respondents. 40.2% of respondents were in the 36-45 year age brackets. High school respondents totaled 58.2% of respondents. 64% of the respondents were currently employed. Internet usage and online shopping Many respondents had Internet experience. 29.6% had more than ten years Internet experience using the internet more than ten years. Those who had experience with online shopping more than once a month reached to 42.9%. Online shopping experience 77% of respondents indicated that they faced no difficulty using the internet. To what extent is the use of the Internet risky 51.9% of respondents thought that the internet is sometimes is risky. 39.7% that argued that the internet is not risky at all. Tesco and Asda direct Respondents who have full experience in Tesco (37.8%) direct were more than those with experience with Asda's (28.1%). The rest of the customers did not have experience with either. Factors that affect customer confidence toward online shopping Factors that affect consumer confidence towards online shopping was limited to seven categories: the impact of demographic factors on consumer confidence, product, price, promotion, distribution and customer service, the impact of technological issues and finally the impact of social issues on customer confidence. ... In general the researcher found that Asda has overtaken Tesco in achieving customer trust. For example: The table above illustrates that Asda provide high readability of accessing details. Around 60 of respondents voted for Asda in readability of information, whereas only 55 of respondents voted for Tesco. 3- Price Respondents gave an equal percentage to Asda and Tesco when asked about who provided the lowest price product. However, a later question had Asda as the high percentage at 73.1%. The researcher designed two similar questions in different styles to reduce sensitivity when answering question. Low price and club card The majority of respondents indicated that low prices are more important to confidence than the club card. 3- Promotion Promotion was considered in relation to the extent it was a nuisance to the consumer. Mobile as an annoying tool came in at the top with 56.2% for Asda and 55.6% for Tesco. Email was the next most annoying tool, accounting for 28.1% with Asda an d 26.1% with Tesco. Finally, the post is the least annoying with Asda and Tesco both at 25%. 4- Delivery and customer service The majority of respondents found the request of payment and delivery information easy. 53% of Asda's customers support the point whereas 15.9% reject it. 49% of Tesco respondents support the point and 12.6% rejected it. The respondents were asked about several factors in delivery service that affect their behavior and confidence toward online shopping. Tesco offers more different method of delivery according to respondents. Asda comes in the top in Charge of delivery. The cost of delivery, as well as the correct and efficient arrival of the product was strongest with Asda. Customer Service As

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Factors contributing to Wounded Knee Massacre Essay

The Factors contributing to Wounded Knee Massacre - Essay Example At another point the author maligns politicians by saying that "it was no secret that politicians stuffed the Indian agencies with political appointees who were, more often than not, corrupt and indifferent to the needs of their charges. Eventually, the abused Indians broke out and started killing local settlers, at which point the military men were called in to risk their lives to restore order" (205, 206). Here again, the role of Indians in killing local settlers is depicted as a reaction to a set of conditions developed by politicians. In my opinion, such texts are purposely created under the influence of powerful forces to achieve hidden aims. Hidden aims may include the idea of taking benefit from a given situation to promote a new concept that is previously non-existent. It appears that there is a hidden agenda behind blaming party politics. In this case, the reason for this appears to be that the author wants the readers to stay focused only on one cause of the issue. By doing this, the other factors that contributed to the massacre, have been allowed to escape the vision of the readers. Not only this, but the author also manages to create a feeling of hopelessness and fear among the readers, which is likely to keep the readers away from party politics.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Quantum Oscillator Problem Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Quantum Oscillator Problem - Assignment Example Figure 6.11 shows a plot of the 10th excited state probability density, |ψ10|2. Mathematica has the Hermite polynomials built-in. The quantum oscillator wave functions are given in equation 6.57; these wave functions are not normalized. The ÃŽ ± in these equations is ð â€˜Å¡ ð Å"”â„ (HW Problem 6.36 and in-class work). The argument of the Hermite polynomials in equation 6.57 is listed as â€Å"x† but you will want to use ð â€˜ ¢ = √ð â€º ¼Ã° â€˜ ¥ as the argument when you are actually write down or program the Hermite polynomials. (a) Write down the (un-normalized) wave function for the 10th excited state; you can write it in terms of ÃŽ ±. Also write down the energy for this state (write this energy in terms â„  and ω)? This type of which energy act on the energy eigenstates of the harmonic oscillator potential producing a un-normalized state of higher or lower energy. a ± =1/√2m(~/i∂/∂x  ± imωx) A=- â„ ^2 d^2/ 2mr^2d (b) Plot ψ10 and |ψ10|2(use u rather than x for your independent variable); your |ψ10|2 plot should look like Figure 6.11. (c) Normalize ψ10 (use u); Normalization the stationary wave functions are r a 1 2 2 ψn (x) = 2n√π n! Hn (ax) e− a x 2 .The diodes are available in the normalized E24  ±1 % (BZX84-A),  ±2 % (BZX84-B) and approximately  ±5 % (BZX84-C) tolerance range. The series includes 37 breakdown voltages with nominal working voltages from 2.4Vto75 V. (d) Find the probability that the electron is in the region −0.5 ≠¤ √ð â€º ¼Ã° â€˜ ¥ ≠¤ 0.5. Use 3 significant figures for these numerical answers. (e) What is âÅ' ©Ã° â€º ¼Ã° â€˜ ¥2âÅ' ª for this excited state?

Hurricane Katrina Essay Example for Free

Hurricane Katrina Essay Crisis and Disasters On August 23, 2005 the tropical depression 12 formed in the Caribbean then it rapidly became tropical storm Katrina on August 24, 2005 as it drifted toward southern Florida. Then on August 25 it strengthened into hurricane Katrina. No one at this time had any idea of what was coming, that this would be on the five deadliest hurricanes in Untied States History. Resulting in the death of around 1, 820 people. From the Gulf coast along Florida to Texas much damage was caused from storm surge. The main amount of damage was in New Orleans, Louisiana which flooded due to levee systems failing, resulting in 80% of the city being flooded and the flood waters lasted for weeks, destroying homes, buildings, and entire communities. . Hurricane Katrina began in the Bahamas on August 23 and as it made it was into southern Florida it became a category 1 hurricane before it grew rapidly in the Gulf of Mexico. In the Gulf in became a category 5 hurricane but weakened before it hit southern Louisiana on August 29 becoming a category 3 hurricane. In just 9 hours the storm went from a category 3 to a category 5 hurricane, this was due to the storms movements over the warm waters of the loop current, which increased the wind speeds of the hurricane. On August 26, the National Guard was activated in Mississippi to help prepare for the oncoming storm. The next day the state activated its Emergency Operations center along with 57 other emergency shelters opened along the coastline and evacua tion orders were put into effect. Louisianas hurricane evacuation plan calls for local governments in areas along and near the coast to evacuate in three phases, starting with the immediate coast 50 hours before the start of tropical storm force winds. Persons in areas designated Phase II begin evacuating 40 hours before the onset of tropical storm winds and those in Phase III areas (including New Orleans) evacuate 30 hours before the start of such winds although many people at the time were unwilling to evacuate due to the fact they didn’t want to leave their homes, business, or even pets. Many private facilities that relied to bus companies and ambulance services to evacuate people failed due to the fact that they waited too long. This happened when the Governor did not sign an emergency waiver to allow licensed drivers to transport evacuees on  school buses. On August 27, George W. Bush, President of the United States, declared a state of emergency in certain areas of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. On August 28 almost all infrastructe had been shut down along the coast making it even harder to evacuate people. On the morning of August 28 with winds up to 175 mph and category 5 statues it hit Louisiana. On August 2 9 Katrina made its second landfall as a category 3 with winds up to 125mph near Buras-Triumph, Louisiana. Katrina’s third landfall was near the Louisiana/ Mississippi line as a category 3 hurricane with 120mph winds. After reaching Tennessee it was downgraded to a tropical depression and finally lost it’s power over the Great Lakes region. From the Gulf coast along Florida to Texas much damage was caused from storm surge. The main amount of damage was in New Orleans, Louisiana which flooded due to levee systems failing, resulting in 80% of the city being flooded and the flood waters lasted for weeks, destroying homes, buildings, and entire communities. Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff said this was â€Å"probably the worst catastrophe, in the country’s history.† The aftermath from Katrina had many negative effects. The economic effects from the storm were the worst. The Bush Administration asked for 105 billion dollars in repairs and reconstruction for the area. Katrina destroyed 30 oil rings in the Gulf Coast and caused 9 to permeably close. Mi ssissippi’s forestry industry was affected being that 1.3 million acres of timber was destroyed, this was around 5 billion dollars worth of damage. Hundreds of thousands of people were left without jobs after Katrina. Hundreds of thousands of people were sent all across the United States to different shelter locations. The levee failures in New Orleans are accounted to be the worst civil engineering fail in U.S history and a lawsuit was filled against the U.S Army Corps of Engineers who built the levees by Judge Stanwood Duval but this was thrown out due to the sovereign immunity in the Flood Control Act of 1965. There was also another investigation of federal agencies which resulted in the resignation of FEMA director Michael D. Brown. On September 12, 2005 Brown resigned, stating that it was â€Å"in the best interest of the agency and best interest of the president.† Before his resignation Brown had already been taken away from his job as coordinator in federal efforts in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast by Homeland Security secretary Michael  Chertoff . It was been said that Brown was forced out of the administration rather that voluntarily resigning.. . Katrina destroyed many wildlife habitats and breeding grounds for marine mammals such as turtles, fish, birds, and many marshes for migrating ducks were destroyed. Seven million gallons of oil were leaked into the ocean. Many spills were cleaned up but some managed to leak into the ecosystem and some towns were even flooded with oil mixed waters. During the clean up, flood waters were pumped into Lake Pontchartrain, which took 43 days. Those waters contained many toxic things to wildlife such as bacteria, raw sewage, pesticides, toxic chemicals, and oil. Many citizens starting looting stores in New Orleans in search of food, water, and many other items for personal gain. The news media reported rapes, murders, thefts during this but many reports turned out to be inaccurate. The National Guard was sent in to restore order and over the first week that’s what they accomplished. The Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team was sent into Louisiana to to verify, document, and cha racterize deaths caused by hurricane Katrina. It was found that there were 971 Katrina-related deaths in Louisiana and 15 deaths among Katrina evacuees in other states. Drowning was the cause of (40% of deaths, injury and trauma caused 25% of deaths, and heart conditions caused 11% of the deaths that were the major causes of death among Louisiana victims. After hurricane Katrina many state, local, and federal agencies were aware of the serious devastation of the area but were unable to communicate with each other properly into order to coordinate a rescue response such as help citizens, provide law enforcement, and evacuate the rest of the city. During the first two days the federal government forces had no commutation with the states national guard . resulting in either agency being able to operate at full efficiency. No one had any idea what the other agency was doing or had already done. This resulted in the delay of many ground forces be assisted to the area. FEMA requested assistance from DOD not knowing what the National guard had already done to fill the same needs. This also resulted in no formal command relationship which caused confusion o n what jobs both sides need to do. The destruction of communications infrastructure made it impossible for emergency responders and citizens to communicate effectively. With 70 percent of the city’s  police officers being victims themselves there was not enough law enforcements to restore order. The Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security had to send it different agencies of law enforcement t to help the New Orleans police department . Many hospitals were destroyed during Katrina and with thousands of people needing assistance it was devastating. Most local and State public health and medical assets were overwhelmed by these conditions, placing even more responsibility on federal agencies.. The process for approval for the reimbursement for medical and public health services provided by Federal agencies created delays and frustrations among health care providers, patients and the general public. Triage was also a big factor during Hurricane Katrina considering the fact that the number of people needing help was much greater than the number of first responders. Many people needed to be rescued and were injured and with the conditions of the city it was a hard task to find people and be able to transport to them a care center. This was a long task considering first responders had to locate a victim, transport them somewhere for help, get back to the same area and keep looking only to repeat the process over and over. It was hard to pick and choose to would get help first considering the fact that only numbers of people would be found at a time. During Hurricane Katrina DMORT set up the Find Family National Call Center in Louisiana. This was the center of operations for finding the location and reuniting families that were separated during Hurricane Katrina. Out of 13,000 people that were missing, around 7,000 were reunited to their families thanks to the DMORTS operation. DMORT were given two missions during Hurricane Katrina. One was to set up a base camp for DMORT and the other was to set up a base camp for the 1600 person Urban Search and Rescue crew. Other duties were to set up temporary morgue facilities, do victim identification, forensic dental pathology on diseased bodies, processing, preparation of diseased bodies. One major thing that was learned during Hurricane Katrina is that during such a major disaster declaring a state of emergency and an evacuation of a area is not enough to reduce the amount of fatalities during a disaster. A big problem was that During Katrina many agencies had no ways to communicate and set up a chain of command in order to operate at full efficiency of their abilities. When it is known that a natural disaster is going to take place , the agencies that are going to respond being state or federal need   to know in advance in order to set up a plan for each agency so that no one is doing the same thing over. Good communication methods need be planned out before hand since this way such a major issue during Hurricane Katrina. Another major issue during Katrina was triage and the lack of first responders. Once it is known that a major disaster is about to take place local medical centers can not be relied on being that there is a great chance they can be destroyed or without any power as seen during hurricane Katrina. Centers need to be set up away from the danger area and transportation of these civilians need to be prepared in advance. Small issues that can lead into big problems such as the Governor during Katrina w did not sign an emergency waiver to allow licensed drivers to transport evacuees on school buses are objectives that need to be taken care of in advance to avoid such issues. Centers that are set up need to be well equipped and supplied to handle the amount to people that will be sent there. Organizations such as the American Red Cross should be asked in advance for their assistance, not after the disaster has already taken place. Assistance on how hospitals to get paid back by federal funds for their assistance should be taken care of during advance being that this was a major issue during Katrina. Federal teams that will be needed just be warned in advance for their assistance and be told to be on immediate standby. This should include professional search and rescue teams , the National Search and Rescue Response team, the National Guard, DMORT, Psychologists, EMS, Firefighter, state and federal police agencies, and DMAT should all be prepared .

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Majority of UK clothing companies struggling for survival

Majority of UK clothing companies struggling for survival The major share of the UK Clothing market is Womens, girls and childrens making up 68% of the total market. The increase in working women might have been expected to cause an upsurge in demand for smart clothing, but a major feature of the market has been a trend towards short dressing. Which targets the 18 to 25 year old market, has accepted the trend and recently recorded a pre-tax profit margin almost four times that of the industry average. Consumers are now tending towards the budget end of the market, which is targeted by companies such as Primark, Peacocks, Next, and Matalan, or the designer, premium-priced extreme (Fashion infomat, 25 May 2005). Selection of Organisation: This assignment completely deals with the changes in an organisation due to technology and what innovation has been made by the organisation to improve its profitability. Here information technology has taken as important tool of technology. This attempt aims to discuss the influence of IT systems that changes the organisation profitability and the whole structure. In the U.K fashion industry, it is the necessity to identify the market trends and respond immediately to the trends (Fashion infomat, 25 May 2005). Discount chains Next, Peacocks and Primark stores which are going to expand rapidly in this fashion trend accordingly. In the retail fashion industry like M S, Next, Top shop, Matalan etc. through a long period when they have been able to rely solely on declining prices to drive sales upwards. However, with the falling pound value and rising overseas sourcing costs, competing on price is going to become increasingly difficult for them (Fashion Retail Service, 21-May-2009). Why Primark? Look Good Pay Less The current credit crunch hit not only the UK Economy but the whole world Economy. If we look on the current UK clothing retail industry, we shall find out majority of companies are struggling for their survival. There is a few success stories in the current period of time regarding businesses, Primark is one of the company. Associated British Foods the owner of Primark have revealed that sales at Primark rose 18% in the 16 weeks to January 3, 2009 which helped by an increase in selling space and very good like-for-like sales growth. Primarks performance compares favourably with rival Marks Spencer, which reported an 8.9% fall in general sales for its third quarter. The business of Primark, which has 141 stores in UK whereas 200 in whole Europe, saw a  £122 million rise in profits while like-for-like sales increased by 5%. The Primark retailer store is looking to open another seven stores during their second half of this year (Metro Thursday, January 15, 2010). Associated British Foods, the owner of Primark, has beaten expectations with half-year profits of  £275 million, which was helped by a leap in earnings of 10% at the discount clothing retailer. The results represent a 2% dip in profits for Associated British Foods. However, they were higher than the  £262 million consensus estimate (Primark website, 10 August 2010). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Innovation is essential for the life of an organization. The organisations who want to survive in this competitive era need to make innovation in response to the external environment as well as its internal environment. According to Kotter no business can survive over the long term if it cannot reinvent itself (Kotter, 2004). It is an era of technology and information. The rapid development in technology has changed the attitude of the people and the nature of business as well. In this technological era the process of change is very fast and rapid responsive. Technology boosts the process and made different type of innovation. Primark is the one of the organization who understands the importance of technology and innovation process. Primark is the discount cloth retailer working from 41 years. Primark is the fast and affordable fashion idea. The changes has taken by Primark has significant impacts on company performance and profitability. Primark improves his ordering and logistic system which helps to cut down the over head cost. Primark introduce new operational strategy, the company reduces the timing of waiting customer in queues. These changes help to create the value services to customers. Product innovation and improvement, new design, and better customer services are the key points of customer retain and attract new customers are main focus of company. To find out all the valuable information I go throw with primary research. I arrange interviews with Primark management arrange group decisions on Facebook.com and visit the Primark store as well. Academic literature is provided; company analysis, SWOT, recommendation, and conclusion are the key point of this assignment. ACADEMIC LITERATURE Why Innovation? Innovation brings changes in the organisation structure and makes a rise in profitability. Primark is an organisation which dealing with customers in clothing industry and have big set up to manage it. Product life cycle shows the Primark through its stages. http://www.quickmba.com/marketing/product/lifecycle/ Product life cycle shows the four stages of the organisation, introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. The organisation was at growth stage when the innovation is being done. Innovation brings changes in the whole set up of the organisation. Innovation: Innovation is a breakthrough approach or idea that can be completely new or an enhancement to something that already exist, it is referencing perspective that will challenge many who just can not see beyond what their own experience is telling them to think or do. Ettlie j., (2006) According to Tidd, J, (2009) innovation is something new that adds value; creativity is something new. Innovation is a change in the thought process for doing something, or the useful application of new inventions or discoveries. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Innovation According to Michael Neito Lewin has three stages model of change theory, first stage is unfreezing that is the organization away from its current position. Once employee recognize and accept it the second stage where changing can begin. The third stage where change is established in organization, its mean refreezing takes place. Employees tasks and structure and socio technical theory a more frequent (Michael. Neito, 2006). The need for Innovation/Change in the UK clothing industry is a given fact that goes hand in hand with the need for improvement and innovation  [1]  (Barrie. L, 2001). Benefits of Innovation There are many benefits of innovation to the organization. The innovation must increase value of the organisaton and customer value. The goal of innovation is positive change, to make someone or something better. Innovation leads to rise in production which means increase in profit. Following are the main benefits of innovation. Creates new industries Maximize productivity and economic growth Fuels wealth creation and profits Generates high-value, higher-paying jobs Raises standard of living 3. Types of innovation Types of Innovation can be classified as under Product and services: the innovation that applied to products and services or market related activities are called products and services innovation. Operational: Innovation that improves the effectiveness and efficiency of core processes and functions of the organisation is called operational innovation. Business model: Innovation that basically transforms the business upwards and provides a better way to work or derives revenue up is called business model innovation. Partnership innovation: Partner innovation mean two businesses or firms get together to make innovation. There may be Government and private partnership innovation for favour of public. Link, (2006) Portfolio innovation: The key to choosing products that contributes to profitability lies in changing the business focus of portfolio management from financial matter to customer value. Mello, et al (2006) Primark has selected operational innovation to up grade the whole infrastructure of the organisation for the favour of organisation and for the favour of its valuable customer. The organisation selects the operational innovation to avoid customers standing long time in queue and for better customer services. Role of Manager in Innovation Managers are either incapable of or somehow exempt from, innovation. Role of manager in the process of innovation is very important. Manager should consider all the aspects regarding innovation in the organisation. According to Roger Bean and Russell Radford there are several points that related to nurturing and fostering innovation that are worthy of more attention to manager. Following are the points that a manager must capable. Personal understanding of the process of innovation Continuous learning and study Curiosity Openness Leadership Focus on strategic issues rather than operational tasks (Roger Bean and Russell Radford, 2002) System development and organizational change: Jon Turner Kenneth Laudon claiming that information system is an opportunistic component. Largely IT systems provided faster and accuracy results in the process of communication. It took the firms to gain competitive advantage in the firms value chain and opportunities  (Jon. Turner Kenneth. Laudon, 1988). Information technology can promote various important organizational change, ranging from incremental to far, reaching like structural organization change that are enabled by information technology: 1) Automation 2) Rationalization 3) Reengineering 4) Paradigm shifts (Kenneth. Laudon and Jane. Laudon, 2009). Innovative Organisation: The organisatiion need to take certain steps to become innovative organisation. Some important steps that should take the organisation are following. (Ettlie, J. 2006) Create strategic vision Create organisation structures that promote collaboration Establish processes to convert ideas into innovations Allocate resources Train workforce on creativity tools Measure and communicate results Recognise creative behaviour Reward innovation results Operations Management: Every time businesses are looking for new and improve methods to improve the efficiency of their operations to achieve higher profitability. Information systems and technologies are some of the most important methods available to managers for achieving high levels of efficiency and productivity (Jane. Laudon and Kenneth. Laudon, 2008). The concept of off shore business and outsourcing has taken a huge advantage for firms to play globally irrespective of its place consideration (Kshetri. Nir, 2007). Operation Productivity: Many retailers have improved their operations productivity through computerisation checkouts, the electronic point of sale system and scanning formats. They use this system to process transactions and monitor inventory efficiently. Computerised registers instantly record and display sales provide detailed receipts and store inventory data. This system lowers costs by reducing transaction time, employee training and the need for item pricing (Barry. Berman and Joel. Evans, 2006). Firms increased its productivity and flexibility with use of IT. But increased cost in installations and maintenance resulted (Olson. Margrethe, 1993). Supply Chain Management: The supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly, to fulfil the requirement of customer. These supply chain includes not only the manufacturers and suppliers but also the transporters, warehouses, retailers and even customers themselves, the supply chain includes all functions involved in receiving and full filling the customer request (Sunil. Chopra and Peter. Meindl, 2007). It is clear that it is very important for some level of co-ordination for some level of activities and processes within and between the organisations in the supply chain that extends beyond logistics and this is called Supply chain management (Cooper. C., Lambert. D, and Pagh. D, 1997). The management of upstream and downstream relationship with suppliers and customers to deliver superior customer value at less cost to the supply chain as the whole (Douglas. Lambert, 2008). Total Quality Management: Total quality management mean continuous improvement in the business, it is a philosophy for running a business, manage the business right way, total people empowerment, mainly a focus on the customer, a commitment to quality and investment in knowledge (Cali, J.F, 1992). Total Quality Management is considered to be more incremental than business process re-engineering. TQM typically focuses on continuous improve and change rather than stay just in one change (Kenneth. L and Jane. L, 2006). How information systems support quality improvements? By Mithas, Krishnan, Fornell, the Service industries are performed better with customers than manufacturing industries. Information affects the products quality and its value. With that the research outlined market value of firms are increased for the firms using IT in its core business operations  (Fornell. S, and Mithas. S, 2005). The study found that the new theory evolved in fashion industry due to IT in place. It changed the force of influence and fashion dimension in respect to the type of business (Lee. Jintae and Collar. Emilio, 2002). New Products: The products are serviced is the principle component of marketing as it provides revenue without which commercial activity could not take place. The following are the products used in marketing: Innovative products are completely new to the market. Replacement products might include renowned items with a new design and functions. Imitative products are common and are termed as Me Too products. Re-Launched products occurs when an original product had been declined but the company expects sufficient potential sale if product is altered through manipulating the marketing mix (Geoff. Lancaster and Paul. Reynolds, 2004). New Product success: most established companies focus on incremental innovation can allow companies to enter new markets by adapting existing market offerings for new customers. Seven notion of innovation: See the future through the eyes of yours customer Intellectual property and brand power are key assets. Use digital technology to create tools for customers. Build a championship team, not a group of championship. Innovation is a state of mind Speed is critical so push your organisation Partner up if you are not the best in something (Philip. Kotler, 2009) Technological change and new product development: There are important aspects regarding the impact of the pace of technological change and new product development. The first one in many industries life cycle is shorting. This then creates vicious circle in as much as the marketer must increasingly be looking for new products to replace the outdated ones. Second consequence of the increased pace of technological change is that there is now a premium on being able to develop and launch new products quickly (Geoff. Lancaster., Lester. Massingham Ruth. Ashfor, 2002). Lot of new concepts of business like e-commerce introduced and benefited to firms. It varied firms performance and keeping more available options to function and to develop its operations (Koellinger. P, 2008). ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS By primary research In terms of find out thats what changes has been made in Primark organization, I go through with primary research .I go through with managerial interviews from the Primark FALG SHIP store at oxford street London. I arrange group discussions on www.facebook.com to get the customer view that, are the customer are getting the results in the result of the company efforts. I met the store manager INA RANKIN and Dept. store manager MIA RAJ to find out recent innovation made by the company that influenced by technology. I done long time interview to collect valuable information and then elaborate in this assignment. (See appendices 1 for detail inerview) In the result of the interview we found some of the very significant changes that made by Primark and we point out below. New ordering and distribution system: Quality improvement. New Product Line. Cut the cost of packing. Improvement of store operations. Return and exchange policy. Digital administration system  [2]  . Reduction in customers queue  [3]   Treat in Primark ethical trading managed with IT  [4]  . Now I will have a look on each change in a little bit detail Quality improvement: Company constantly improving his quality of product and fitting to give the customer real satisfaction and value for money and the company always introduce new and improve technology in the manufacturing process. New Product Line: Primark introducing hundreds of new product lines every week to deliver up to date fashion regarding the customer needs and demand, when a new fashion introduce in the market its only take six weeks to come in company stores and it because of the advance and improve technological innovation. Primark introduced new product range as well like Denim Co, Butler and Webb range, Rebel, Early days and Backswing. Cut the cost of packing: Primark believes to deliver good quality products on affordable price, so company always try to find out new ways to minimize the price. In these days company made a strategy that to cut the cost of packing. Improvement of store operations: All the stores of Primark having a huge amount of customers every time and the pressure on the tilling was too much excessive, to reduce the customer check out time in long queues Primark installing more tills in every store, it helps the Primark to improve customer services and profitability as well. Return and Exchange Policy: Primark recently change its return and exchange policy. Prior if you want to return or exchange a product you could do only in same country with in 14 days but now you can return or exchange within 28 days and whichever country you want where company stores exist. Digital administration system: The Digital Administrative Management system (DAD) with Business Collaborators management solution providers has introduced to control of large information at one time and eliminated paper plans decreased admin costs by 50 percent as well as reduced confusion with overloading emails. Specifically it is supported to new store development functions. Good communication flow has been taking place with the system to control the information in an efficient way. Reduction in customers queue: An electronic call forward system is adopted to improve customer transaction times and minimise queuing at Primark. Treat in Primark ethical trading managed with IT In the past years, Primark is largely criticised in its gap in ethical trading systems with suppliers who are employing illegal migrant workers. Now new software having a tool Entropy will look the global suppliers to check the mandatory code of conduct of suppliers. Entropy is a web based supply chain audit systems, the remedial actions and quality of working environments can be checked. This is entirely a global system has its visibility and tools of greater control. Business Methodology of Primark Primark is the one of the largest company in UK related to ready mad garments, following are the business points of business methodology. Push urgency up: push up all the resources and skills for enhancement of quality in the field of garments industry using the high skilled and motivated team. Adaptation of new technology for control management process and ETI are significant practical way of getting in, with new information technology as Laudon and laudon 2008. New ordering system is a good example of JIT and Supply chain management. Primark all the time follow high moral and ethic values to serve customers and all member of organization. Its possible when customers happy and beneficial parallel with company in the industry. Interdicting new product lines, improvement of products quality, improving of operations management all are very relevant to TQM and Retail management theories. Primark has philosophy to provide facility of margin, benefits regarding price vice, quality vice, designing services and as well as with employees satisfaction, production, sale, logistic management and innovation for reducing cost and better management. Recommendations Primark should introduce online trading/purchasing. These will help them to increase their revenues, generate more profits and create customer value. It will also help them to become number one Retail firm in the UK. Primark should try to eliminate the perception of low quality from the Customers mind by introducing new products and offering a better quality and keeping the same price range. Primark should expand their business in developing countries. Primark should concentrate on Ethical trading where suppliers are employing unskilled labours to manufacture the clothing and are also offering them low pay scale which in turn is affecting the reputation of the Company. Primark should serve customers of all age groups and not just youngsters. Conclusion In this current credit crunch period where most of the companies are going to close down and some of them are struggling for their survival, Primark is the only organisation who is doing considerably well in this recession time. The only reason is that they are doing well is because they have understood the concept of innovation and change management. Innovation is very important for the organisation but people are scared to adapt and put themselves in innovation process as they dont know whether innovation will be good or bad for them or for their organisation. Primark has adapted to change and innovation has introduced various systems to operate their work efficiently and effectively. They are also opening new stores which are more spacious than before. The reason for their success is innovation. Innovation in Technology management and organisation plays a very important role in todays world of science.   References Albert N. (2006), Public Private Partnership Innovation Strategies and Policy Alternatives. USA: Spring Science + Business Media. Berman, B. and Evans, J. (2006) Retail Management a strategic approach. 10th ed., US, Pearson Prentice Hall. Chopra, S. and Meindl, P. 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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Teaching Essays Objective of Curriculum

Teaching Essays Objective of Curriculum Objective of Curriculum The main focus of this curriculum is to incorporate elements of children’s developmental domains which contribute to the holistic being. Our activities are designed by taking into consideration the children we have observed for our child study. Although we recognize the concept of play in the curriculum, we feel that it is also important to provide pupils with a structured curriculum that would supplement their developmental needs. The curriculum aims to develop the children’s socio-emotional development, cognitive – language development and physical development through the integration of play as well as the inquiry, project and thematic approach. In doing so we have ensured that children are provided with an avenue for aesthetic and creative expression, language and literacy development, practice for numeracy skills, motor skills development along with creating an awareness of the self, the environment and the social sphere. As part of our design objective, we aim to ensure continuity from what children have learnt in preschool to the primary school curricula. We feel that this would ease pupils into making the transition from an environment which they have developed a sense of familiarity (i.e. the kindergarten setting) and the one which they are being initiated into. Partnered with the other key approaches, our team firmly belief that by encompassing our curriculum around play, it would supplement children’s developmental needs which in our view have been neglected in the current school curricula. Our Curriculum Having observed the children at the various kindergarten settings, our group have decided to build our curriculum around the concept of â€Å"learning through play†. We recognize that play is an integral part of a child’s holistic development and it should not be omitted as the child progresses into the primary education system. From our child study we observed that each of these children displayed varying interests and abilities which can be extended through a curriculum centered on the concept of play. Play, as we know it, has been defined in many ways by various theorists. One of the many definitions is by Van Hoorn (2007) who affirms that â€Å"[p]lay plays a big part of young children’s development and expression of the child’s developing personality, sense of reflect, intellect, social capacity and physicality.† (p. 4). The activities that surround our curriculum are aimed to address these vital domains of the developing child. Van Hoorn (2007 ) also theorizes that the concept of play exists in a continuum which ranges from â€Å"spontaneous† to â€Å"guided† to â€Å"teacher-directed play†. We have adopted this concept throughout the entire design of this curriculum. Through the integration of both individual and group activities, we are taking into consideration each child’s learning needs as we acknowledge their different learning styles. In our planning, we aim to invigorate this concept of play into our curriculum by integrating other key approaches used in the current school curricula. The curriculum is designed such that it is centered on the concept of â€Å"learning through play† while at the same time utilizing the thematic approach, inquiry approach and the project approach. We have developed the following tripartite diagram to illustrate how we have incorporated the various approaches in our curriculum. Thematic Approach We have chosen to implement the thematic approach as it keeps our curriculum design focused. In view of what has been stated by Wortham (2006), we agree that since the â€Å"thematic curriculum is completed over a period of time, there is opportunity for exploration, investigation, and representation of learning in an unhurried environment† (p.299). Ideally, the curriculum should be executed through a span of eight weeks, within a term. This is to ensure that children would be given ample time to develop skills and knowledge surrounding the adopted theme. We felt that the thematic approach would also aid in children’s learning as they build up experiences based on an ongoing theme which stimulates children into meaning-making as they acquire skills and develop in the different domains. Inquiry Approach The inquiry approach has also been interwoven into this curriculum because we believe that pupils should be given the opportunity to explore for themselves the learning possibilities through inquisitive questions. Much of the activities designed in this curriculum has been targeted at children in honing their inquiry skills. Pupils are encouraged to seek solutions using the open resources made available to them. Project Approach The project approach was also adopted in this curriculum as a way of assessing pupils’ learning. Through this mode of assessment, where pupils are given free reign of the project that they could work on, pupils would be exposed to a variety of activities that taps on their various abilities. Both Vygotsky and Piaget believed that it is through personal manipulation and discoveries that children are able construct an understanding of their learning experiences. Additionally with this project approach pupils will be able to work in a social context where they can learn through a partnership with the teacher. Suggested Activities As an illustration the suggested activities in the framework we have included is based on the theme of Occupation. We planned these activities with the assumption that it is theme which the children have collaboratively decided on as a whole class. The activities incorporated in this curriculum development takes into account the interests and strengths of the children we have observed during our child study. For instance, we have given pupils the choice of their mode of presentation for the role play which can be done through dramatization or a musical performance. Moreover this would encourage pupils to form a self awareness of their personal strengths and interests. The Career Day is essentially a whole day event where children will be given an opportunity to exhibit the product of the projects in which they have undertaken within their groups. We have implemented this concept of a career day as we feel that this would encourage children to take responsibility and pride of their achievements and what they are capable of creating.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Aldous Huxleys Brave New World Essay -- essays research papers

In the "Brave New World" of 632 A. F. (After Ford), universal human happiness has been achieved. (Well, almost.) Control of reproduction, genetic engineering, conditioning--especially via repetitive messages delivered during sleep--and a perfect pleasure drug called "Soma" are the cornerstones of the new society. Reproduction has been removed from the womb and placed on the conveyor belt, where reproductive workers tinker with the embryos to produce various grades of human beings, ranging from the super-intelligent Alpha Pluses down to the shorter and dumber semi-moron Epsilons. The story takes place in England where the new society lives. Due to a gigantic biological attack almost all of the world is destroyed except for england and parts of the U.S. In â€Å"Brave New World† civilization is controlled by conditioning and hatchery. Everyone is brought into civilization through a test tube, "the operation undergone voluntarily for the good of society." The D.H.C. (the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning) decides which of the five castes in society the test tube babies will belong to. At a young age, the babies are conditioned to think and act certain ways depending on which caste they will belong to. The beginning chapters describe this brave new world as the D.H.C (Director of hatcheries and conditioning.) gives a group of children a tour of the facility. The reader meets Lenina Crowne who had been dating Henry Foster for some time, and ...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Adelaide Local Government Area Essay -- CBD,diversity, heterogeneity

Introduction Adelaide Local Government Area which incorporates Adelaide CBD and North Adelaide is culturally, ethnically, socio-economically and demographically diverse. According to the ABS census data (2011), although the 20-29 years age bracket makes up over a third of its 19,639 residents, other age groups have significant representations and in addition to English, various languages are spoken at home as first languages. As such the ethno-cultural and socio-demographic diversity has the capacity to create a unique social ambience. The location of two world class universities in the Adelaide LGA plays a major role in the social ecology of the area. About 8,672 people (nearly half of all residents) attend some sort of an educational institution and of that, 4,850 are university and other tertiary institution students (ABS 2011). However, it is unclear how many of the students are locals as there is focus on promoting Adelaide to the world as â€Å"The Education City† to attract international students. In SA Government (2010) 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide, the city centre has been billed the financial, cultural, educational and entertainment hub of the state. As such it is no wonder the number of international students in Adelaide has increased over the years. By 2011, international students totalled 28,100 having increased nearly 2% between 2001 and 2012 (SA Government 2013). These figures may not be relevant in the context of Adelaide LGA as some may live outside of the area; nonetheless they could s hed light on the possibility of sheer concentration of students in the area. Therefore, the socio-demographic diversity of Adelaide LGA has several variances such as more dominant age groups and high student concentrations amon... ...an sociology reader, Routledge, New York Martin, WA 2004, The urban community, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Vemuri, AW et al 2011, ‘The tale of two scales: evaluating relationship among life satisfaction, social capital, income and the natural environment at individual and neighbourhood levels in metropolitan Baltimore’, Environment and Behaviour, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 3-25, viewed 29 March 2014, http://eab.sagepub.com.ezlibproxy.unisa.edu.au/content/43/1/3.full.pdf+html Worchel, S et al 1998, Social identity: international Perspective, SAGE Publications, London UK Ziersch, A & Arthurson, K 2007, ‘Social capital and housing tenure in an Adelaide neighbourhood’, Urban Policy and Research, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 409-431, viewed 29 March 2014, http://www.tandfonline.com.ezlibproxy.unisa.edu.au/doi/full/10.1080/08111140701665831#.UzV52U2KArU

Saturday, August 17, 2019

How Duty of Care Contributes to Safe Practise Essay

What duty of care means in children and young people settings Duty of care – it’s required we have to give the right amount of attention and caution to avoid negligence which would lead to harm to other people. Duty of care is the legal term for safeguarding yourself and others. Children (especially young children) are vulnerable because they have not yet developed the physical and cognitive skills to care for themselves, so they need care from the adults around them. As a practitioner we have a duty of care towards them, the younger and more vulnerable the child, the greater the duty of care needed. Duty of Care includes the following concepts: †¢ to keep individuals safe †¢ to keep individuals free from harm †¢ to give choice As a practitioner, vigilance and attention keeps young children safe as they develop, these areas help when the child has a good role model to teach them: †¢ The ability to foresee and cope with potential dangers †¢ More robust immune systems †¢ Empathy – understand that their actions may hurt or upset others †¢ Communication skills to be able to talk about the harm others may be doing them How this contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals Duty of care contributes to the safeguarding/protection of children/young people by keeping them safe and protecting them from abuse, whether this is in a sexual, physical, neglect or emotional harm. Children have a right to be safe and to be treated with respect and dignity, as a practitioner we have to take reasonable steps to ensure the safety and well-being of all children in our care. If we don’t follow all necessary steps it could be regarded as professional neglect, we must always act and be seen to act in the child’s best interests. Babies and under 3’s are in need of an adults care for protection because they are unable to do this for themselves. Duty of care safeguards children in my setting in various ways: * Risk assessments – having done risk assessments we are taking precautions to avoid accidents or the spreading of infections. * Following the correct procedures if we have any concerns for a child’s well-being. * We set clear expectations and boundaries depending on age, stage and development and we discourage any behaviour which could result in a child being harmed or upset. * Assessments and observations on children can alert us to any problems that may need our attention and will also help in the discussions with parents and other professionals. * Always listen to what the children have to say and take any concerns they may have seriously.

Dramatic devices and events used by Miller Essay

‘You’re the Devil’s man! ‘ When Mary finally buckles under the weight of Abigail’s power over her and her intelligent reaction to the situation- the accusation against Mary of witching her, she blames Proctor of witchcraft, thus condemning the whole of Salem to madness, and taking away the lives of Proctor and many other innocents. This event marks the end of any possibility of sanity in Salem, and is ruinous for the once peaceful town. The other accusation in this act is the blame placed on Abigail by Proctor that Abigail is a whore. Even though it would seem the most far-fetched and outrageous claim made in this act, it is the only truthful one. The court’s ‘justice’ fails to grasp this concept though, so the lies win the struggle once again. Act 3 holds the best chance Salem has had of being released from the hysteria and madness that has accumulated and multiplied, feeding upon the accusations and lies that have been propagated, but this glimmer of hope is extinguished, and the truth is once again suppressed and shunned. The truth of the girls’ fraud is suppressed. From the very beginning, when Proctor first speaks out against the court, Danforth’s questioning techniques attempt to intimidate Proctor, thus trying to suppress the truth, because his dialogue is imposing, inflexible and intimidating, thus preventing the one person who holds the key to the release of Salem, the one person who knows and can tell the truth, from doing so. ‘If I must answer that, I will leave and not come back again. ‘ The other character key to suppressing the truth is Abigail, because she is harnessing the power of the witch trials to eliminate Elizabeth, to clear the path to her lust for Proctor, she also has an intimidating dialogue, because hers is indignant, and at times, even threatening, cleverly making out that she is innocent. She acts the part of a girl who is shocked and indignant at the charge against her, making the charge seem entirely false, when in reality it is completely accurate. She pretends to be indignant at the questions, to avoid answering the questions that Danforth poses to her, and even threatens to leave the court, showing her growing power over the adults in Salem. She also keeps looking at Mary, and uses the apparitions of the yellow bird and the icy wind, to force Mary back to her side, once again suppressing the truth from one character that could be the end of the lies. She chatters her teeth and shakes, to make the apparitions seem even more realistic. There are also events in Act 3 that also show the suppression of the truth, such as Danforth and Hathorne questioning Proctor to try to suppress the truth. In order to try to dispose of the threat that Proctor begins to pose in Act 3, Danforth and Hathorne exercise their power to invade his privacy. Even though Proctor has not yet been formally accused of witchcraft, Danforth and Hathorne, like Hale earlier, question him about his Christian morals as though he were already on trial. They hope to find in his character even the slightest deviation from Christian doctrine because they would then be able to cast him as an enemy of religion. Once thus labelled, Proctor would have virtually no chance of anyone in God-fearing Salem intervening on his behalf, therefore suppressing the truth. The court created for the witch trials was commonly believed by the villagers to be created by God. Therefore the upholding of this court becomes essential to the maintenance of social order in Salem. There is a big decision to be made by the judges in this act- to maintain social order and suppress individuals’ freedom, or to submit to the truth, thus condemning Salem to chaos and their reputation to breakdown. Some dramatic devices in this act are used to emphasise the issue of the decision between maintenance of social order or the truth. When Judge Danforth enters, the rest of the characters including Cheever and Parris trail him. This positioning of characters emphasises the authority that Danforth possesses. On his appearance, silence falls, again showing his power and authority as high judge of the court. He has the power to suppress the truth or to give justice, to take away the lives of innocents, or to heal Salem of the wounds it has suffered. ‘Let you consider it then. ‘ When Hale says this sentence, the room falls silent as Proctor hands Danforth the warrant. This is a dramatic climax, when Danforth is considering Proctor’s evidence. This is a fulcrum, where the verdict could go either way-where social order could be maintained, or Proctor’s individual freedom could be granted. The silence is broken only by Mary’s sob, showing the importance of this moment. ‘I have evidence for the court!†¦ we have proof for your eyes’ The desperate attempt by Giles, Proctor and Francis to save their respective wives exposes the extent to which the trials have become about specific individuals and institutions struggling to maintain power and authority-social order versus individual freedom. Danforth and Hathorne do not want to admit publicly that they were deceived by a group of girls, while Parris does not want the trials to end as a fraud because the scandal of having a lying daughter and niece would end his career in Salem. Because of this, Danforth react to Proctor’s claims by accusing him of trying to undermine the court, which, in theocratic Salem, is tantamount to undermining God himself. The issue that you’re one’s name is important to one, and that some are willing to die for it. There are many contextual links and quotes, from plays, books and even the bible, stating that name is important to a man. ‘Good name in man and women, dear my lord, is the immediate jewel of their souls; who steals my purse steals trash; ’tis his, and has been slave to thousands; but he that filches from me my good name robs me of that which not enriches him, and makes me poor indeed’ This quote form the play ‘Othello’ by Shakespeare shows that a name is important to a man, more important than his money or possessions. ‘I quit this court! ‘ The stage direction of Hale slamming the door after quitting the court from which he was part of, ruins his good name and relinquishes the power he held, because he realises the injustice and lies that are holding the court up. ‘Their bodies are buried in peace, but their name shall liveth for evermore. ‘ This quote from the bible, of St Matthew, Chapter 44, verse 9 says that if someone is dead, but has not left a name behind them, it means that they have not sinned and their name shall live on forever. Giles acted upon the same principle in this act-‘I cannot give you his name. ‘ Giles refuses to name someone else just so he can keep his own life, and dies for the cause. Proctor in this act also does not defile his name, because he does not confess to witchcraft when prompted, so is thrown in jail with a death sentence. He instead speaks the truth-that Salem has ‘pulled down heaven and raised up a whore. ‘ In conclusion, in Act 3 of the crucible, Miller uses dramatic devices and events to highlight the key issues of the play, and, indeed, of the time, highlighting the problems and issues with Puritanism and the way of life in those days, and highlights the paranoia and hysteria that flourished in Salem at the time. He realises the irony of the trials, that they were supposed to be God’s will, but people were in fact using religion to their own ends. By Luke Worley (9T) 2915 words. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Era of Fashion

An Era of Fashion Webster dictionary states that fashion is â€Å"The make or form of something. The prevailing style during a particular time. † Personally, I believe fashion is not Just what you wear but a state of mind. I once read a quote by Coco Channel that read, â€Å"Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will â€Å"assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safer, the creatures of the commonplace the slaves of the ordinary. † This to me said it all.Fashion is about showing the true o and the statement that you want to make on that particular day, weather that statement is bold or casual in sweat pants and a white T. Fashion is not Just what we see everyday in magazines. Fashion is what you make it. During the pre ass's through the early to mid-ass's fashion trends such as the mini skirt, maxi skirt, mini dress, the halter neck cat dress, flared trousers, empire dresses, high waist banana sears, bell bottoms, army Jackets and Jumpsuits were all the rage.Two of the more well known people I believed to represent the ass's well was, Affray Facet, who cocked the feathered hairstyle and ass's style well for the ladies and Elvis Presley who was well known for always looking amazing in Jumpsuits showed the boys exactly how to make an outfit look good. In the photos I have chosen to use you will see my Grandparent's, my Uncle, my mother and my father. My Grandparent's and Uncle have always lived in Tucson, Az as for my mother for most of her life has lived in Tucson, except with a two year influence from her time spent in California.As for my father he was born and raised in Nassau, Bahamas until his college years when he moved to Tucson. The pictures were not taken for a particular reason other than to remember the time my father went to the Pimp Air Show and the time my mother spent visiting Harbor Island. The trends in both hair style and garments are shown. For instance my mother in the black an d white photograph shows Just how being â€Å"hip† in that time of age would have been represented, which was shown by the mini dress and having hair as big as you could get it to go. The types of clothing shown in my pictures are more on the casual side of everyday life in the U.S. Back in the ass's. Because fashion has always reflected its moment in history one could say that clothes mocked their environment. More designers were finally getting the chance to travel. This gave them a chance to see other nations. Viewing other nations meant new colors, textures, materials and ideas. There was now more to fashion than the same old boring prints. What is special about the ass's clothing to me are the patterns and the colors. The ass's was bold and therefore the colors and shapes of the garments were bigger than life. Personally, it seems to me that living in the ass's meant that one could not be shy!This era in time was such a big influence on the world and trends can still be seen in present day. For example, â€Å"That ass's Show,† puts forth a great understanding of the prints, textures, and all around style of the ass's. Another show that from time to time will represent the ass's is â€Å"The Rachel Zoe Project. † Rachel Zoe is a fashion stylist, who herself every so often will show high wasted pants, big earrings, big hair, patterns, and styles from the ass's. All in all I believe that the seventies was an amazing and inspiring era. QUESTIONS: 1 . The people included in my photos are as followed: My nana, that, UncleGilbert, along with my mother and my father. 2. The time period in the photos are as followed: 1981 3. They lived in Tucson, AZ and the Nassau Bahamas 4. The Time of year these pictures were taken were: Summer (all photos except grandparent's), and winter. 5. Where the photographs taken for a special event: (dad) Pimp Air Show, (mom) Visiting Harbor Island, otherwise the others were not for special events. 6. The clothing w as not related to a particular profession of the time period. 7. The significant historical events happening at the time were: RonaldReagan was Just elected President of the United States, The American hostages was held in Iran, Interest rates was at 14% (very high). 8. The historical events are depicted in the clothing by 9. What is special to me about the clothing are the patterns and the colors, very little black. The clothes do inspire me, the whole 60-70 era inspires me. Yes its fashion. Fashion is not one particular trend or look. Fashion includes person style and the emotion behind the person, It's a statement. 10. The style is Mod and personal. 11. That ass's Show I believe uses this era as inspiration along with â€Å"The Rachel Zoe Project. â€Å"