
Monday, March 4, 2019

Different Structure of Organisation and Culture Essay

Section 1 Understanding the relationship between systemal bodily organise and gloss You will enquire to comp atomic number 18 and subscriber line contrasting organisational structures and finis Here you need to briefly describe the incompatible types of organisational structure, and what different types/formats of polish enkindle be found in organisations, and indeed compare and contrast them what causes/creates each type, and positive factors / negative factors of each. explain how the relationship between an organisations structure and culture can seismic disturbance on the deed of the business thus discourse (separately) how the structure and culture can simulate the business performance by comparing at least ii different types (from those you have described) for example, you could discuss the differences between a small, growing, owner- controld, flat-structured, entrepreneurial business, with a large, established, bureaucratic, organisation such as a local a uthority/municipality.Then compare for example, how quickly flips can be made very fast, neighboring(a) decisions made informally in the virtuoso very slow, only later on many meetings, reports, evaluations, etc in the other. discuss the factors which influence individual doings at work For this list and discuss the factors which can influence the way individuals deliver for example counsel/ leading style, pay and reward mechanisms, levels of employee involvement in decision making, and so on.Section 2 Understanding the different approaches to management and lead You will need to compare the usefulness of different leadership styles in different organisations You need to give a brief rendering of the recognised, established styles, but thusly select 2 different styles, as applied in 2 different types of organisation (for example in a large international company, compared to a local municipality/council, and discuss how efficaciouseach is in. building block 3 Organisa tions and Behaviourexplain how organisational possibleness underpins the physical exertion of management You need to list the main theories/models (that you have been studying and researching) and because discuss how each one helps supports assists managers to effectively plan / organise / manage / control / respond to problems. Simple examples are knowledge (theories/models) of how individuals are probable to respond to a major change this can help managers to acquaint/implement the change in a certain way to rescind some of the more negative responses that might occur and the models/theories on structure and how it can influence the culture/ deportment of the organisation and its people.evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisations This is about comparing how, at the corporate whole organisation-level two different organisations apply management supposition and theories of organisation, to the way they run their businesses. You ne ed to select 2 very different organisations and, as it asks, compare their approaches. A simple comparison, as an example, would be to mien at the Army and its approach to managing its ordinary soldiers, officers, teams & individuals and compare this with a college or university and its approach to managing students, teachers & lecturers.Section 3 Understanding the ways of using motivational theories in organisations You will need to discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation in organisations in periods of change You need to give a brief description of the recognised leadership styles, but then discuss in detail how each one can positively or negatively affect the motivation and team spirit levels of individuals and teams, in periodsof change that is, in the planning, implementation and aftermath of a major change.compare the occupation of different motivational theories within the workplace You need to give a brief description of each, but th en discuss in detail how they are (if they are) applied in the workplace, then motion on to discuss how motivational theory relates to the way people are expected to manage today. evaluate the usefulness of a motivation theory for Managers Here you need to briefly list an describe motivational theories, then select one and use that to give your view of how an understanding and application of that motivation theory can assist/support managers in their activities.Unit 3 Organisations and BehaviourSection 4 Understanding the mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organisations You will need to explain the nature of assemblys and group behaviour within Organisations Here you need to briefly explain the different group/team formal and informal structures, objectives, life-cycle stages, types of dynamics, and how all of these factors can affect the behaviour of groups/teams in the workplace. discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the exploitation of effective teamwork in organisations This needs to be looked at in a broad, lateral, way for example, the structure of an organisation can affect team interactions/ communication theory with other, important, teams the management/leadership style of the line managers and specialist managers can be very damaging or positive a blame culture is very damaging, the amount of individual personal development, progression opportunities, appraisal formats, can also have an effect and team development / access to technology / access to support from other teams/specialists, can be factors.evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within a disposed(p) organisation Here you need to select a particular ( tending(p)) organisation, or type of organisation (not simply in general), and then describe and evaluate the positive and negative impacts (or potential impacts) of current and uphill technologies (eg. computers, mobile phones, ipads, social media such as facebook,linkedin, video conferencing, the internet, intranets, laptops, remote working, email) on the way a team functions/operates.

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