
Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Jfk Assassination: Conspiracy Or Single-gunman? Essay -- essays re

The JFK Assassination Conspiracy or Single-Gunman?Adolf Hitler, the Nazi dictator of Germany during World War II, once said, "Thebigger the lie, the more(prenominal) people will believe it." Although this may soundludicrous, we can ascertain many example of this in the worlds history. One examplewould have to be the basin Fitzgerald Kennedy assassination. For over thirtyyears the people of the United States were light-emitting diode to believe that a single gunmanshot and killed Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963, at 1230 p.m... However,in this paper, I will repugn the ancient analization of the facts that study asingle gunman was involved, and try to show that a conspiracy moldiness have beenpresent.According to the old facts regarding the circumstance of the JFK assassination, Kennedywas killed by a single gunman. On November 22, 1963, at 1230 p.m. CST (CentralStandard Time), Kennedy was riding in an open limousine through Dallas, Texas.At this time, Kennedy was shot in the head and neck by a sniper. He was thentaken to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Later, police force arrested Lee Harvey Oswald, a former U.S. Marine, at a nearby theater.By the next morning, Oswald was booked for the murder of President John F.Kennedy. Two long time later, Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclubowner, while he was be moved from the city to the county jail.At a glance, the above story sounds as if this should be an open-and-shut case.After all, according to the facts above, Oswald must have killed Kennedy.However, you must take a deeper look into this case. Many people who witnessedthe murder of John F. Kennedy dispute the facts above, saying that they heardshots from places besides the book depository, and other things that maycontradict what is stated above. One of these witnesses, Abraham Zapruder,captured the entire assassination on his buzzer and Howell eight millimeter photographic filmcamera. This movie, cl everly called the Zapruder Film, is the single best pluckof visual evidence in this case.In order to more clearly understand the Zapruder Film, it is necessary to breakit down into frames. The particular Bell and Howell movie camera that Zapruderwas using ran at eighteen and three-hundredths (18.3) frames per second. Whenusing this frame system, you must remember that all shots were actually laid-offseveral frames before the flake that is assign... ...ives tokill the President.As you can see, the killing of John F. Kennedy was a conspiracy. thither is noway a single gunman could have fired all the bullets that hit Kennedy andConnnally in that short period of time. Also, since Kennedys head went book bindingand to the left, the bullet must have been fired from the front and right ofKennedy. This shows that on that point was another gunman, which makes this aconspiracy. Someday, it would be nice if the truth is revealed about who firedthe bullets, and how many gunmen there act ually were.Bibliography1.     Harris, Robert. "The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy AReassessment of Original Testimony and Evidence."2.     Harris, Robert.     "The Single Bullet Theory A Question ofProbability."3.     Newman, John. "Oswald and the CIA." Carroll and Graf Publishers, Inc.New York 1995.4.     Summers, Anthony. "Conspiracy." McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York1981.5.     "JFK" Directed by Oliver Stone. Warner Bros., Inc. 1991.

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